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Game Name : Baroque
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-11-28 09:19:48
Views : 21782

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Baroque.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
AppraiserIdentify over fifty items.
Arrow of ErosComplete the Neuron Tower while in Lust Mode.
BomberPurify over 50 Meta-beings using the explosion brand.
Box bOx boX BOXComplete the Neuro Tower or die while holding over fifteen types of boxes.
Broken DollWatch "Consciousness Simulation End VV"
Bug NurturerRaise over ten larva until they grow into another parasite.
Careless DeathDie outside the Neuro tower when your level is over 2.
Cat FanUse the Cat Torturer three times on one floor.
Cat LoverUse the Cat Torturer six times on one floor.
Close to GodDie at the lowest level.
CollectorGet items from Urim, The Mind Reader, The Worker Angel, and Doctor Angelicus.
Confused WorldComplete the Neuro Tower while confused.
CursebringerCombine items over thirty times using a Curse Bringer angel on a single floor.
Deadly Meta-BeingsPurify Manas, Perisomats, Malecificia, and Tabula Smaragdina.
Defenseless ChampConquer the Defenseless dungeon.
Disk CollectorComplete the Neuro Tower or die while holding over fifteen types of disks.
Distant WandererYou have not qualified for any other Baroques.
ExecutionerComplete the Neuro Tower after purifying over 100 Meta-beings with torturers.
Explosive EndDie by consuming a boom bone.
Fashion PlateComplete the Neuro Tower or die while holding over fifteen types of coats.
Fasting PenanceComplete the Neuro Tower without eating hearts, flesh, or bones.
Fragile SplendorComplete the Neuro Tower while wearing Glass Sword, Glass Coat, and Glass Wings.
Fragments of TruthHear over 200 messages about the Baroques from the Baroque Monger.
Friendly FirePurify all the Koriel Members by using the Angelic Rifle.
Frugal ChampConquer the Frugal dungeon.
Hell ChampConquer the Hell dungeon.
Hunger ChampConquer the Hunger dungeon.
Hunger StrikeDie by losing HP from 0 Vitality (only if Vitality is over 499)
Hurting DervishComplete the Neuro Tower after purifying over 100 Meta-beings by throwing items.
I am the WorldFuse with the absolute God when blind and deaf.
Icarus's StudentComplete the Neuro Tower or die while holding over fifteen types of wings.
IronyDie while invincible.
LiberatorOnce buried, purify Longneck, Horned Girl, and The Bagged One.
March OnSwitch floors over ten times while a Meta-being is in the room
MasochistComplete the Neuro Tower or die while holding over fifteen types of brands.
Medical PartnerComplete the Neuro Tower or die while holding over fifteen types of fluids.
MuggedLet Gliro steal an item over 20 times.
ObsessedFill your entire item window with the same item.
Orb SeekerComplete the Neuro Tower after using every Consciousness Orb.
Parasite MuseumComplete the Neuro Tower or die while holding over fifteen types of parasites.
PerfectionistComplete the top ranking after defeating the main episode once.
Power HouseComplete the Neuro Tower without a weapon and an attack above 50.
Promise of PeaceComplete the Neuro Tower without purifying any meta beings.
Reverse Disk ChampConquer the Reverse Disk dungeon.
Rotten ChampConquer the Rotten dungeon.
Screaming TowerEnter the Neuro Tower over 100 times.
Self ReliantReach the lowest level without using any consciousness orbs.
Serial ThrowerThrow over 100 items.
Shadow BoxerSwing your sword over 100 times without hitting anything.
Skeleton ManComplete the Neuro Tower or die while holding over fifteen types of bones.
Special HunterComplete the Neuro Tower after purifying over 300 Meta-beings by sword.
Sword's MiracleLand five consecutive critical hits with the sword.
The World's TearsFind all the idea Sephirah that are in the item list.
Torture MasterComplete the Neuro Tower or die while holding over fifteen types of torturers.
Trap ChampConquer the Trap dungeon.
UnforgettableHave a conversation with a specific phantom brother.
Unfortunate DeathDie from a Meta-being stepping on a disk.
Unrewarded EffortComplete the Neuro Tower without opening a Trials Box for over 2000 cu.
UnstoppableComplete the Neuro Tower after taking over 5,000 damage.
UselessDie without doing anything in the outer world.
Vacant CoffinConquer all training dungeons.
Warrior's SpiritComplete the Neuro Tower or die while holding over fifteen types of swords.
Wasted CoreComplete the Neuro Tower or die while holding over fifteen types of crystals.
Wasted EffortLose either a coat or a sword with over 30.

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